Chicken Formula


A well-balanced formula made from whole chicken & organs including complex carbohydrates, with the added benefits of pre & probiotics added to enhance GI tract health & well-being. A protein that aids in the building of muscle mass while providing essential nutrients & vitamins such as Omega 6 Fatty Acids & Glucosamine. A simple starting diet and a favorite amongst many pets of all shapes & sizes!






A well-balanced formula made from whole chicken & organs including complex carbohydrates, with the added benefits of pre & probiotics added to enhance GI tract health & well being. A protein that aids in the building of muscle mass while providing essential nutrients & vitamins such as Omega 6 Fatty Acids & Glucosamine. A simple starting diet and a favorite amongst many pets of all shapes & sizes!


Ingredients: Fresh USDA Whole Chicken & Organ Meat, Unrolled Oats, Pumpkin, Beets, Carrots, Spinach, Celery, Yams, Squash, Green Beans, Apples (seedless), Papayas, Parsley, Garlic. All Natural Preservatives, Minerals, and Pre & Probiotics


Guaranteed Analysis
Protein 27.2gm
Fat 46.6 gm
Fiber 14.5 gm
Moisture 295 gm
Calories 842 kcal


Additional information

Weight 15.7 oz
Dimensions 11 × 6 × .5 in


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